Audience & Authorship:
This message was created by three people. Alvarez, Jennifer. Bailey, Megan. Ngo, Michelle. This was made to tell the importance of the land, the effect of fear, and the unifying power of love. I believe that this article targeted the audience through whomever is interested in learning about South Africa. Well, it's obvious that those three girls mentioned above will be benefited because this is a school project. This message matters to me, because as I was creating this and doing my part, I actually learned a little bit more than what I had originally learned. All the stuff that I learned before I did this project, and AFTER I read the book, Cry the Beloved Country, along with my homework assignments, has been changed. Well, not drastically changed, but changed to the point where I learn about the weather. When I was reading Cry the Beloved Country, I imagined a sunny place, NOT a place where rain was sometimes scarce, or sometimes too much causing floods.
Messages & Meanings:
This is about the thoughts of Michelle Ngo's, Megan Bailey's, and Jennifer Alvarez's. I know this, because it says so at the top of the blog, and plus, it really does talk about their thoughts. Their ideas are about the three topics of: Importance of land, Unifying power of love, and the Effect of fear. I think, that this blog should have more point to it. Considering that this is a blog, and that this blog should have a bunch of random stuff to it, maybe all that random stuff should lead to one thing. Or maybe more than one thing. The techniques that are used is that they have very clear pictures, and underneath those pictures, there are some very meaningful points that describe the picture. Although there is not a video on the blog at the moment, there are still some good ways to communicate the message. For example, on my post: the importance of land where it talks about the flood. I had a link underneath to go to the page where you can read and find out more interesting information.
Representations & Reality:
This was made a couple days ago starting on January 9th 2010. This is shared through the internet. This is 90% fact, because we got most of our stuff out of the internet that have very true aspects, and our book, Cry, the Beloved Country. This is very much credible, because our articles out of the internet may seem like it is a biased opinion, however, most of our articles are true, and live events that had occurred.